Resource Index
(View resources available as PDFs in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Hindi, and Italian.)
Our Topics
All Literature
- A Call to Unity: Standing Together for Climate Action
- A Just Transition for Workers and Communities (Translations below)
- A Strong Climate Movement Needs Listening Circles
- Addressing Classism in the Environmental Movement
- Artists, Our Significance and The Environment
- Building United, Resilient Movements to End the Climate Emergency
- Catholics and Climate Change
- Central and Eastern Europeans and Climate Change
- Climate Change: What Can We Do?
- Healing our “Climate Grief”
- Immigration Justice and the Climate Emergency
- Including Disabled People in the Environmental Movement
- Indigenous People and the Environment
- Jews and the Climate Emergency: Building a United Front
- Latin America: Getting Organized to Defend the Environment
- Moving Beyond Capitalism to Sustaining All Life
- Parents and Climate Change: Building Support and Unleashing our Power
- South, Central, and West Asians and Climate Change
- Staying Hopeful and Engaged in the Climate Emergency
- Subversive Catwalk: Women, Fast Fashion, and Climate Justice
- Supporting Indigenous Leadership
- Supporting Young People’s Activism in the Climate Emergency
- Sustaining All Life: Overcoming the Destructive Policies of the Past
- Sustaining Ourselves as Activists and Organizers
- The Climate Crisis and Mental Health Liberation: A Movement Against Conformity
- The Climate Crisis and War
- The Fair Share of the Global North in the Climate Emergency
- The Impact of the Climate Emergency on Women
- The Role of the United States in the Global Climate Emergency
- The Work of Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism
- Tools for Climate Organizing
- Tools for Ending Racism in the Environmental Movement
- Unions and a “Just Transition”
- Young People and the Climate Emergency
All Videos
- A Sustaining All Life (SAL) Overview (1:27)
- African Voices (30:05)
- COP25: Reclaiming a Sacred Earth Workshop (7:19 – Spanish with English subtitles)
- COP28 Videos (Playlist)
- Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Climate Activism (29:20)
- Expressing Climate Grief · (49:47 – interpreted into Spanish)
- How the Global North can accept responsibility for the climate emergency and act fairly to solve it (55:57)
- How to do a Listening Exchange (2:49 & 3:36 – interpreted into Spanish & Hebrew)
- How to Lead Listening Circles (18:36)
- Jews and Climate Justice: Building a United Front (53:54)
- Making a Climate for Families (2:33)
- New York Climate Week 2023: Compilation of video clips from SAL
- Pacific Island Voices (40:47)
- Paired Listening as a Tool for Organizing (7:24)
- SAL at Global Climate Action Summit 2018 (5:04)
- SAL in Africa (8:36)
- SAL’s Climate T-shirt at a:dress Women’s Eco Fashion Event
- Subversive Catwalk: Women, Fast Fashion and Climate Justice (1:07:11 – interpreted into French)
- Supporting Youth in Climate Activism (2:19)
- Sustaining Indigenous Life Worldwide (4:28)
- Sustaining Ourselves as Activists and Organizers (20:30)
- Tools for Leading SAL Events (1:16:13)
- Voices from Frontline Communities · (10:44 – subtitles in English, French, Romanian, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish)
- Voices of Latin America Forum (6:46 – Spanish & English)
- Youth Forum: How to do a Listening Exchange (4:29 – Spanish & English)
- Youth Forum: The Importance of Play for Liberation (3:37 – Spanish & English)