Monday, September 23, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

Backing Indigenous Leaders: where Ending the Climate Crisis and Decolonization Meet

Colonization and capitalism have disconnected us from our connection with each other, our basic human needs, and the land. There is so much to learn from indigenous cultures, especially around our relationships – with nature, ourselves, and each other. In this workshop we will share ways we can use engaged listening to back Indigenous leaders […]

  • in English

Monday, September 23, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

Restoring ourselves for the final 6 weeks of election organizing

Many of us have been working on the 2024 election along with working to end the climate emergency.  We can feel discouraged, depleted, “done,” and the election is still 6 weeks away.  Join us for some restorative time as use the tools of Sustaining All Life to drain away some of the stress we’ve accumulated […]

  • in English

Monday, September 23, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

Staying Hopeful and Engaged in Organizing for the Elections

The 2024 elections and the climate crisis are leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed by discouragement, anxiety, hopelessness, and anger. This workshop will provide participants with some perspectives and practices to counteract those feelings, maintain hope, and continue to take action to address the climate crisis and work toward electing candidates who will take action […]

  • in English

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

The Central Role of Young People in the Climate Movement

Young people are at the front lines of the climate crisis. It is our future that is threatened. However, because of the way society is set up we have the least say in how society is run. Tuesday, September 24, 10:30 – 12 pm. Optional one hour listening circle follows.

  • in English

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

The Intersection of Climate Change and Racism in the Southern US

The South bears the brunt of the climate crisis in the U.S., with hurricanes, sea level rise, tornadoes, drought, and severe storms affecting millions of people and their homes, land, waters, farms, and livelihoods. Racism and economic injustice cause these impacts to fall disproportionately on Black, brown, and low-wealth communities, and young and Native peoples, […]

  • in English

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

Restoring ourselves for the final 6 weeks of election organizing

Many of us have been working on the 2024 election along with working to end the climate emergency. We can feel discouraged, depleted, “done,” and the election is still 6 weeks away. Join us for some restorative time as use the tools of Sustaining All Life to drain away some of the stress we’ve accumulated […]

  • in English

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

Staying Hopeful and Engaged in Organizing for the Elections

The 2024 elections and the climate crisis are leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed by discouragement, anxiety, hopelessness, and anger. This workshop will provide participants with some perspectives and practices to counteract those feelings, maintain hope, and continue to take action to address the climate crisis and work toward electing candidates who will take action […]

  • in English

Thursday, September 26, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

Mental Health Liberation: Tools for Climate Activists

Come learn a powerful framework for understanding how oppressive societies enforce passivity, overconsumption, numbness, and isolation as “normal.” We will also share simple and effective tools to face difficult feelings about the climate crisis and build emotional support for your climate activism. Thursday, September 26, 10:30 – 12 pm. Optional one hour listening circle follows.

  • in English

Thursday, September 26, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

How to Listen to and Build Allies When We Disagree

Building friends and winning people over who we strongly disagree with is a key part now of growing a larger, more informed electorate who will vote in the November elections for candidates that will support climate action. Sustaining All Life will share tools for listening to people when we strongly disagree with everything they say. […]

  • in English

Friday, September 27, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

Tools for Doing Unity Work with Groups in Conflict

Maintaining a unified climate movement is key now for taking on climate change. In this workshop, we will demonstrate tools from Sustaining All Life for building allyship between groups that have historically been divided from each other. We will share stories that can inspire hope—that it is possible for groups in conflict to reach across […]

  • in English

Friday, September 27, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York)   New York

Reaching progressive voters who have disengaged from the elections

Friday, September 27, 2 – 3:30 pm. Optional one hour listening circle follows.

  • in English

Saturday, September 28, 2024 — 10.30am (New York)   New York

Working Together to Tackle Racism and the Climate Crisis

Racism is at the center of many of our difficulties in resolving the climate crisis. In this workshop we discuss the misinformation we receive in our society about groups other than our own and how that interferes with our ability to unite around causes that affect us all.  We examine the interrelationship of racism and […]

  • in English

Saturday, September 28, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York )   New York

War and Climate Justice

Modern warfare has unleashed unprecedented environmental havoc in addition to tremendous loss of life. War is used as a tool of oppression and genocide to install the dominant culture and to take control of land and resources. The climate emergency cannot be resolved without ending war. Saturday, September 28, 2 – 3:30 pm. Optional one […]

  • in English

Saturday, September 28, 2024 — 2.00pm (New York )   New York

Swing states election

Saturday, September 28, 2 – 3:30 pm. Optional one hour listening circle follows.

  • in English

Sunday, September 29, 2024 — 10:30 am (New York) | 2:30 pm (UTC)    New York

The Climate Crisis in Africa

Africa accounts for less than 4% of global emissions and yet is hugely impacted by the climate crisis. Africa and her people have been made extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change because of colonization and racism, which have fueled the continued oppression and exploitation of the continent. In this workshop, we will get […]

  • in English

Sunday, September 29, 2024 — 1.00pm (New York)   New York

Making a Climate for Families

Join us for some intergenerational fun for families, while thinking about our mother earth and how we can work together to reverse climate change. We’ll make art together–visuals, music, dance, movement, and storytelling. We’ll have circles where people can share their visions of a family-friendly environment. We’ll have a circus-inspired parade to bring us together […]

  • in English

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 — (Azerbaijan)   In person

Sustaining All Life at COP29

Sustaining All Life (SAL) will be represented by a small delegation in Baku, Azerbaijan, for COP 29. We plan to hold some events in the Green Zone (civil society space) from November 12th to 16th; and then depart on November 17th. Please check back for more updates.

  • in English

  Past Events



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