The Intersection of Climate Change and Racism in the Southern US

The South bears the brunt of the climate crisis in the U.S., with hurricanes, sea level rise, tornadoes, drought, and severe storms affecting millions of people and their homes, land, waters, farms, and livelihoods. Racism and economic injustice cause these impacts to fall disproportionately on Black, brown, and low-wealth communities, and young and Native peoples, and the Southern U.S.

Wednesday, September 25, 10:30 – 12 pm. Optional one hour listening circle follows.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

10.30am – 12.00 pm (New York)
12 East 41st Street, 7th Floor, Manhattan

followed by
1-hour listening circle (optional)

in English

All are welcome.
No registration required.

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