Une communauté pour les protecteurs de l'eau, les artistes et les activistes qui donnent plus de force à nos mouvements de justice climatique.

Une initiative de Sustaining All Life. *Tubig veut dire eau en tagalog.

We will rise

We will rise (song)

Walk slow, run fast
Show your colours and share your past
Burn bright, burn long
We are the stories revolutions come from and

We will rise, like the morning sun
Share our vision, everyone will come

Sweet change, sweet air
Flowing like the laughter and the rivers we share
Deep roots, underground
Seek out the cracks and know your way around and

We will rise, like the morning sun
Share our vision, everyone will come

Forgive, begin again,
We all make mistakes and we all will again
The storms will come
So hold on to your love snd hold it like a gun

We will rise, like the morning sun
Share our vision, everyone will come
Lift our faces to the falling rain
Bring the simple life home again
For our great grand children
Yours and mine
We will stand together, now is the time
So gather your courage and summon your hope
If we can’t say yes – we will say no!

Shannon Coggins

England — l’océan le plus proche:  Northern Atlantic
european, Older Adult (50 and over)

À propos de l’œuvre

This is a song inspired by Starhawk's books, the Fifth Sacred Thing and the City of Refuge and was written for the pauch of Extinction Rebellion.

À propos de l’artiste

I am white raised poor working class woman, I live off grid in the south west of England with my partner and daughter. I am English and my great Nan was Irish.

I have been an activist on and off for 36 years. Hope inspires me, wherever I find it and I find it in a lot of places! Every time someone cries with someone by their side loving them; in the supermarket when I see people buying organic or local food, when I hear people talking about the courage of protestors, when people stand up, when I'm talking to the police or security guards on the frontline of a protest. When I go for a walk and hear bird song.

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